Click this link for TOPICAL INDEX OF POSTS

About Me

No longer take comments. Post's 'labels' are unreliable for linking or searching. Use the INDEX OF POSTS instead. A fairly accurate, but incomplete INDEX of Posts & good overview and understanding of this blog READ SOME REASONS TO REJECT ORTHODOX JUDAISM my April 2014 post or click link above. Born into an Orthodox Jewish family (1950's) and went to Orthodox Yeshiva from kindergarten thru High School plus some Beis Medrash.Became an agnostic in my 20's and an atheist later on. My blog will discuss the arguments for god and Orthodox Judaism and will provide counter arguments. I no longer take comments. My blog uses academic sources, the Torah, Talmud and commentators to justify my assertions. The posts get updated. IF YOU GET A MESSAGE THAT THE POST IS MISSING - LOOK FOR IT IN THE INDEX or search or the date is found in the address.

Monday, May 29, 2017


There was an accident, but ALL posts are still here. Check the Index of Posts or search or check the address that 'does not work' and that gives the date of the post. No labels work.

I think this is a complete index of posts including dates.  It is organized roughly by category, but there is so  much overlap. And the post's content may overlap categories. Very rarely did I put the same post into two different categories. 

Many posts have multiple parts. Usually I provided the titles, dates and links to the first part only. 

If you desire a summary of my blog see this post
Some Reasons to Reject Orthodox Judaism 4/2/14.  It lists a sample of posts

Book Reviews

The Challenge Of Creation - by Rabbi Slifkin 11/19/16 - a critique of RS’s apologetics

The Science of God - Schroeder Chapter 9 - 12/9/2013 a critique of Schroeder’s apologetics

The Science of God - by Gerald Schroeder Chapter 1 thru 4  12/9/14 a critique of Schroeder’s apologetics.

The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs - Fundamentalism and the Fear of Truth by  Solomon Schimmel, 11/29/14 with my additional commentary and discussion of some common apologetics, some  reasons why religions persist and more.

The God Virus by Darrel W. Ray - (inspiration  for the post Corona Virus and The God Virus ) 3/14/2020

Every Life Is On Fire How Thermodynamics Explains The Origins Of Life by Jeremy England 2020 10/16/2020

Torah Holidays - Origins/Pagan Parallels

The Torah Scapegoat - Azazel  10/22/13

Yom Kippur Origins  10/27/13 Pagan Parallels

Passover Origins; & short note on Human Sacrifice  11/11/13

Sabbath, Day Seven and Moon Cults or Fertility Cults 8/18/13

Sukkos Feast of Tabernacles Pagan Parallels 10/18/2017

Historicity of Purim, Origins of Purim

Torah Rituals/Laws - Pagan Parallels - Repudiation of Apologetics

Proof of God from Circumcision by the Jews on the eighth day of life  8/12/13

'Statute Forever' in the Bible  3/2/14 Are the Torah laws divine or just superstitions ? Refutes Rambam style apologetics.

'Cut Off" in the Bible  2/27/14 Are the laws and their punishments divine or just superstitions. Refutes Rambam style apologetics.

Explanations of Pagan Customs in Judaism with some notes on Maimonides  3/18/14 - includes refutes of Rambam style apologetics.

The Bible Serpent and Magic  2/26/15

Human Sacrifice in the Bible  1/14/14

Pascal's Wager 12/27/2017

Torah Discrimination or Unfair Laws, Pagan Parallels

The Bible, the Brother, and the Widow  2/4/14

The Bible, The Husband, and The Virgin  2/3/14

Suspected Adultery and the Bible Remedy  1/18/14

The Bible, The Priests, The Female and the Disabled  2/17/14 

Oral Law Part Two - Treatment of Women - Sexist laws 9/11/2016

Challenges to the Torah and Orthodox Jewish Narrative

Ancient Texts and gods JUly 29, 2018

Some Reasons to Reject Orthodox Judaism   4/2/14

The Dangers of Circumcision as found in the Talmud  1/15/14

Circumcision and Maimonides 3/18/14

Who Wrote the Bible  12/10/15 - Strong evidence the whole Bible can not be from the Mosaic period.

The Challenge of Noah,  11/3/16 - the Noah story as an argument against Orthodox Judaism, refutations of some Orthodox Jewish apologetic responses.

Jewish Oral Tradition  8/27/16 

Genesis and Evolution  9/27/13 - Some discrepancies and why they are irreconcilable in intellectually honest fashion. 

Genesis and the Big Bang  9/10/13 Some discrepancies between Genesis and modern cosmology  and why they are irreconcilable in intellectually honest manner.

Proof /Disproof of God from Kosher Animals  1/10/14

Proofs of Orthodox Jewish Narrative Repudiated

Kuzari Principle or Argument  Part 1  7/24/13  Includes White Buffalo Women Revelation. ( These posts include Rabbi Gottlieb’s and Rabbi Kelemen’s versions among others either directly or indirectly.) Probably most Orthodox Jews would consider this argument the strongest argument for Judaism. Some use it to "prove" the existence of G-d.  I devoted more posts to this "proof" than any other.  I have also included links to several other Ex-Orthodox Jews who address the argument in a different fashion than myself. The argument may have merit to distinguish the claims of one religion/myth from another but it has too many weaknesses to be used as valid evidence or proof  for the alleged Mount Sinai Divine revelation or the existence of G-d. I am including a short description of the main topic(s) of my Kuzari posts.

Kuzari argument part 2  1/27/14  Covers a wide range of information - Including Logical fallacies, Archaeology, Ancient Near East religion myth, 600000 Exodus, Angel of Mons, Castor and Pollux, Perseus,  Aztec, and much more

Kuzari Part 3 6/23/14  Including Mt Sinai Uniqueness; Mt Sinai Story as a natural event.

Kuzari Argument Part 4  7/13/14 Reik's Mystery on the Mountain, Mt Sinai story as a invocation. Detailed review of Exodus revelation. 

Kuzari Part 5  8/23/15 Pygmy Kitabu

Kuzari Argument Part 6 9/4/15 National Traditions

Kuzari Argument Part 7 11/16/15 Propp and the Kuzari, Invention of Tradition, Kamikazi attack on Kuzari, The Milk Miracle

Kuzari Argument Part 8 11/30/15 Does Mt Sinai story count as an Event of Type E ?

Proof of God from Miracles or Kuzari Argument Part 9  12/26/15 Spinoza, Hume, Keller

Kuzari Argument Part 10  12/28/15 Rumour in Orleans

Kuzari Part 11  12/29/15 Rumor, myth, legend, urban legend, national tradition,  collective memory, group think. 

Kuzari Part 12 6/4/2017 Enemy aircraft over British South Africa ?

Kuzari Argument Part 13 6/28/2017  A 'mass' miracle involving the 'Soun'.

Kuzari Argument Part 13 Continued  8/27/2017 More on Miracle of Sun - some religious responses.

Kuzari Argument Part 14 10/20/2017 Is there an unbroken chain of Sinai-Exodus story transmission ? Can national tradition of national events be introduced ?

Proof of God From Miracles (part 2) or Kuzari Part 15 12/31/2017 Miracle Manna 

Kuzari Argument Part 16 - Permission To Receive Rabbi Kelemen 3/27/2018

Kuzari Argument Part 17 - Apple White Theorem, Rabbi Kelemen 3/28/2018

Kuzari Part 18 Unbroken Chain ?, Hints For Rabbi Kelemen April 5,  2018

Kuzari argument Part 19 plus some Critique Rabbi Kelemen's Book of Permission To Receive April 7, 2018 Applying Rabbi Kelemen's criteria to the Torah informs s the Torah is suspected of not being divine. The Ten Commandments. 

Kuzari Argument Part 20 Rabbi Kelemen Incunabular Argument Permission To Receive - Mainly about 'the Rabbi's Past Theory April 15, 2018

Kuzari Argument Part 21 Rabbi Kelemen Bomb April 23, 2018

Kuzari Argument Part 22 or Miracle Of Sun Part 13c- Rabbi Gottlieb Review 3/20/2019 My response to the Rabbi's review of my Miracle of Sun Post

Kuzari Argument Part 23 or Proof of God from Miracles Part 3 4/28/2019 Miracles at County Cork, Ireland

 Kuzari Part 24 Uyghurs 12/12/2021 False history accepted by Uyghurs

Kuzari Argument Part 25 - 12/27/2021 National Experiential Tradition - Armenian Genocide 

Alter Cocker Jewish Atheist: Kuzari Argument Part 26 National Experiential Tradition

Kuzari Argument Part 27 Palestinian Genocide Claim  

Proof of God via Jewish Survival, Jewish Suffering, and the Bible Predictor  8/12/13

Proof of God from Israel     1/28/15

Proof of God from Prophecy    1/27/15 - also includes comments on proofs from Israel.

Proof of God from Circumcision by the Jews on the eighth day of life  8/12/13

Proof of God from Gematria ,Bible Codes 7/23/13

Proof /Disproof of God from Kosher Animals 1/10/14

Proof of God from Mummy  10/14/15 Supernatural preservation ?

Proof of God from Prayer- Miraculous Recoveries 7/12/15

Proof of God from Hebrew  5/15/15 Is Hebrew script divine ?

Proof of God from Purim Fest 1946 or Prophecy of Nazis in Megillah    3/17/15

Proof of God from Guarantees or Holy Sage Statements   1/27/15

Proof of God based on Claim of Prophecy of Nazis in the Talmud    11/26/14

Proof / Disproof of God based on Fallow  11/25/14

Proof of God from Gaza Rockets  8/5/14

Proof of God from Secrets in Holy Texts (Part 1 and Part 2 3/22/2018}   5/16/14 Included are some examples: Life Span, Moon Renewal, Dead Stars

Proof of God From Number of Stars in Talmud

Kalam Cosmological proof of God repudiated by Theology  2/16/14 - Does Genesis even describe creation Ex-Nihilo ? If not, then the proof backfires.

Proof of God from Life; Genesis 2:7  8/27/16 Pagan Parallels, Genesis false myth        

Proof of God from Miracles or Kuzari Argument Part 9 12/26/15

Proof of God from Coincidences in Bible and Hebrew Bible Codes 11/3/15 

Proof of God from Morality    5/27/14

Proofs of God Repudiated 

Proof of God Burden 5/27/17  - Who has the burden of proof ?

Proof of God from the Gaps, Sherlock Holmes, and Absence of Evidence 3/10/16 - faulty reasoning.

Proof of God from Free Will, Justice, Consciousness, BLANK  8/4/15

Proof of God from Thermodynamics 12/19/15 also includes additional refute that God must be the Designer.

Proof of God from Fine Tuning    1/16/15 I do not think Rambam would approve of this argument. 

Kalam Cosmological Proof of God - Premises and Conclusion repudiated    6/11/14, includes Laws of nature from God ?

Proof of God from Big Bang  9/8/13

Proof of God from Morality    5/27/14

Proof of God from Origin of Life  - 9/2/13

Proof of God through Design 8/20/13

Proof of God from Design Part 2 or Disproof of Evolution 1/18/16

Proof of God from Ontological Argument 12/24/2017


Proof Of God from Mathematics (including William Lane Craig) 12/15/2020



Psalms, Ancient Near East Texts, Prayer, Science March 22, 2018

Science and Leaps of Faith 8/6/2018

Saul, The Witch, and the Ghost 7/21/16 - Tenach belief in ghosts, witches. Do we go up or down after we die ?

Tree Animism in the Bible    1/1/15

Bible Patriarch Ages 8/2/13

Origins of some Torah/Bible laws and the Jewish Chosen People Idea    7/10/14

Moshe became horny and suspicion of Torah from Mount Sinai 9/5/13

Yahweh, Mountain and or Warrior and or BloodThirsty gods 4/30/2019

The Danger of Census Taking and the Tenach 12/23/2019

Genetic Fallacy and Religion' and God Origins 1/25/2020

Corona Virus and The God Virus 3/14/2020

I am providing several Indexes of the Posts.

Index of of most or all the Posts in Alphabetical Order - I think I have the correct dates, otherwise use the second index below to locate a post.

Ancient Texts and gods July 29, 2018

Bible Patriarch Ages 8/2/13

Circumcision and Maimonides  3/18/14

Corona Virus and The God Virus 3/14/2020

"Cut Off" in the Bible  2/27/14

Every Life Is On Fire How Thermodynamics Explains The Origins Of Life by Jeremy England 2020 - book review 10/16/2020

Explanations of Pagan Customs in Judaism with some notes on            Maimonides Part 2   3/18/14
Explanations of Pagan Customs in Judaism with some notes on            Maimonides Part 3   3/19/14
Explanations of Pagan Customs in Judaism with some notes on            Maimonides Part 4   6/30/14
Explanations of Pagan Customs in Judaism with some notes on            Maimonides Part I  3/18/14

Genesis and Evolution  9/27/13

Genesis and the Big Bang  9/10/13

Genetic Fallacy and Religion' and God Origins 1/25/2020

Historicity Of Purim, Origins of Purim 3/17/2019

Human Sacrifice in the Bible  1/14/14
Human Sacrifice in the Bible Part 2   3/2/16
Human Sacrifice ? in the Bible Part 3   8/23/16

Jewish Oral Law Part 3, Treatment of Heretics   10/16/16
Jewish Oral Law Part 4, Demons   11/13/16
Jewish Oral Tradition - Part 1 - Introduction   8/27/16
Jewish Oral Tradition Part 2, Treatment of Women   9/9/16

Kalam Cosmological Proof of God - Premises and Conclusion            repudiated   6/11/14
Kalam Cosmological proof of God repudiated by Theology                 2/16/14

Kuzari post are located in first index. 

Moshe became horny and suspicion of TMS  9/5/13

Origins of some Torah/Bible laws and the Jewish Chosen People              Idea   7/10/14

Pascal's Wager   12/27/17
Passover Origins; & short note on Human Sacrifice  11/11/13
Proof of God based on Claim of Prophecy of Nazis in the Talmud            11/26/14
Proof of God Burden   5/27/17
Proof of God from Big Bang  9/8/13
Proof of God from Circumcision  9/4/13
Proof of God from Coincidences in Bible and Hebrew Part One                11/3/15
Proof of God from Coincidences in the Bible and Hebrew Part 2                 11/4/15
Proof of God from Design Part 2 or Disproof of Evolution                          1/18/16
Proof of God from Fine Tuning  Part I  1/16/15

Fine Tuning Argument (Part II) - Using Probability or Chance                                                                                         1/16/2019

Fine Tuning Argument (Part III) - Using Probability or Chance                                                                                         1/20/2019

Fine Tuning Argument (Part IV) 3/31/2019

Proof of God from Free Will, Justice, Consciousness, BLANK                    8/4/15
Proof of God from Gaza Rockets   8/5/14

Proof of God from Gematria  9/4/13
Proof of God From Gematria 7/23/13

Proof of God from Guarantees or Holy Sage Statements   1/27/15
Proof of God From Guarantees Or Holy Sage Statements Part Two               9/23/17
Proof of God from Hebrew   5/15/15
Proof of God from Israel    1/28/15

Proof of God from Kosher Animals Part 2  1/12/14
Proof of God from Kosher Animals Part One  1/10/14

Proof of God from Life; Genesis 2:7   8/27/16

Proof of God from Miracles (Part 1) or Kuzari Argument Part 9                12/26/15
Proof of God from Miracles (part 2) or Kuzari Argument Part 15              12/31/17

Proof of God from Morality Part One   5/27/14
Proof of God From Morality Part Two   6/18/15

Proof of God from Mummy   10/14/15

Proof of God From Number of Stars in Talmud 5/7/2020

Proof of God from Ontological Argument   12/24/17
Proof of God from Origin of Life  9/2/13

 Proof of God from Mathematics (including William Lane Craig) 12/15/2020

Proof of God from Prayer- Miraculous Recoveries-Rain etc:                    7/12/15

Proof Of God From Prophecy Part 4 4/23/2019 Proof Of God From Prophecy Part Three 10/15/2018 Proof of God From Prophecy Part 2   6/27/18
Proof of God from Prophecy (Part 1)   1/27/15

Proof of God from Purim Fest 1946 or Prophecy of Nazis in                     Megillah   3/17/15

Proof of God from Secrets in Holy Texts   5/16/14
Proof of God From Secrets In Holy Texts Part Two (Dead Stars)                3/22/18

Proof of God from the Gaps, Sherlock Holmes, and Absence of                  Evidence   3/10/16
Proof of God from Thermodynamics   12/19/15
Proof of God through Design (Part One) ?  8/20/13
Proof of God via Jewish Survival, Jewish Suffering, and the Bible              Predictor 8/12/13
Proof of God via Jewish Survival, Jewish Suffering, and the Bible              Predictor (Part Two) ?   2/21/16

Proof / Disproof of God based on Fallow Part One   11/25/14
Proof / Disproof of God based on Fallow Part Three   11/25/14
Proof / Disproof of God based on Fallow Part Two   11/25/14

Psalms, Ancient Near East Texts, Prayer, Science   3/21/18

Rabbi Kelemen Permission To Receive - Unusually Ethical Jews                4/29/18

Sabbath, Day Seven and Moon Cults or Fertility Cults  8/18/13
Saul, The Witch, and the Ghost   7/21/16

Schroeder The Science of God - Chapter 4              12/29/2014
Schroeder The Science of God - Chapter 3 - section 2A   12/23/14
Schroeder The Science of God - Chapter 3 - section 2A   12/23/14
Schroeder The Science of God Chapter 3 - section one   12/16/14
Schroeder The Science of God Chapter Four   12/29/14

Science and Leaps of Faith 8/6/2018

Some Reasons to Reject Orthodox Judaism   4/2/14
'Statute Forever' in the Bible  3/2/14
Sukkos Feast of Tabernacles Pagan Parallels   10/17/17
Suspected Adultery and the Bible Remedy  1/18/14

The Bible Serpent and Magic   2/26/15

The Bible, the Brother, and the Widow  2/4/14
The Bible, The Husband, and The Virgin  2/3/14
The Bible, The Priests, The Female and the Disabled  2/17/14

The Challenge Of Creation - Rabbi Slifkin - Part One   11/19/16
The Challenge Of Creation - Rabbi Slifkin - Part Three   11/22/16
The Challenge Of Creation - Rabbi Slifkin - Part Two   11/20/16

The Challenge of Noah, Part One   11/3/16
The Challenge of Noah, Part Two   11/3/16
The Danger of Census Taking and the Tenach 12/23/2019
The Dangers of Circumcision as found in the Talmud  1/15/14

The Science of God - Schroeder 1997 Part 1  12/9/13
The Science of God - Schroeder Chapter 1   12/9/14
The Science of God - Schroeder Chapter 2   12/14/14
The Science of God - Schroeder Part 3  12/21/13
The Science of God - Schroeder Part 5  12/26/13
The Science of God Schroeder - Part 2  12/16/13
The Science of God Schroeder Part 4  12/24/13

The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs - Fundamentalism and the               Fear of Truth   11/29/14
The Torah Scapegoat Azazel  10/22/13
Tree Animism in the Bible   1/1/15

Who Wrote the Bible Part One   12/10/15
Who Wrote The Bible Part Three   9/16/16
Who Wrote the Bible Part Two   8/14/16

Yahweh, Mountain and or Warrior and or BloodThirsty gods                         4/30/2019

Yom Kippur Origins  10/27/13


List of Posts By Date

 2024 (1)
        ▼  May (1)
            Kuzari Argument Part 27 Palestinian Genocide Claim

    ▼  2022 (1)
        ▼  February (1)
            Kuzari Argument Part 26 National Experiential Tradition

▼  2021 (2)

    ▼  December (2)

        Kuzari Argument Part 26 National Experiential Tradition

        Kuzari Argument Part 25 - National Experiential Tradition -                Armenian Genocide        

        Kuzari Argument Part 24 Uyghurs

▼  2020 (4)

 ▼  December (1)

 Proof of God from Mathematics (including William Lane Craig

 ▼  October (1)
Every Life Is On Fire How Thermodynamics Explains .

▼  May (1)

Proof of God From Number of Stars in Talmud

▼  March (1)

Corona Virus and The God Virus

▼  January (1)

Genetic Fallacy and Religion' and God Origins

▼  2019 (7)

▼  December (1)

The Danger of Census Taking and the Tenach

▼  April (3)

Yahweh, Mountain and or Warrior and or BloodThirsty gods
Kuzari Argument Part 23 or Proof of God from Miracles Part 3
Proof of God from Prophecy Part 4

▼  March (3)

Fine Tuning Argument (Part IV) Kuzari Argument Part 22 or Miracle Of Sun Part 13c- Rabbi      Gottlieb Review 
Historicity of Purim, Origins of Purim

▼  January (2)

Fine Tuning Argument (Part III) - Using Probability or Chance         Fine Tuning Argument (Part II) - Using Probability...

▼  2018 (13)
▼  October (1)

Proof Of God From Prophecy Part 3
▼  August (1)
Science and Leap of Faith
▼  July (1)
Ancient Texts and gods
▼  June (1)
Proof of God From Prophecy Part 2
▼  April (5)
Rabbi Kelemen Permission To Receive - Unusually Et...
Kuzari Argument Part 21 Rabbi Kelemen Bomb
Kuzari Argument Part 20 Rabbi Kelemen Incunabular ...
Kuzari argument Part 19 plus some Critique Rabbi K...
Kuzari Part 18 Unbroken Chain ?, Hints For Rabbi K...
▼  March (4)
Kuzari Argument Part 17 - Apple White Theorem, Rab...
Kuzari Argument Part 16 - Permission To Receive R...
Proof of God From Secrets In Holy Texts Part Two (...
Psalms, Ancient Near East Texts, Prayer, Science

▼  2017 (11)

▼  December (3)
Proof of God from Miracles (part 2) or Kuzari Argu...
Pascal's Wager
Proof of God from Ontological Argument
▼  October (2)
Kuzari Principle or Argument Part 14
Sukkos Feast of Tabernacles Pagan Parallels
▼  September (1)
Proof of God From Guarantees Or Holy Sage Statemen...
▼  August (1)
Kuzari Part 13 Miracle of the Sun continued
▼  June (2)
Kuzari Argument Part 13
Kuzari Argument Part 12
▼  May (2)
Proof of God Burden

▼  2016 (18)
▼  November (6)
The Challenge Of Creation - Rabbi Slifkin - Part T...
The Challenge Of Creation - Rabbi Slifkin - Part T...
The Challenge Of Creation - Rabbi Slifkin - Part O...
Jewish Oral Law Part 4, Demons
The Challenge of Noah, Part Two
The Challenge of Noah, Part One
▼  October (1)
Jewish Oral Law Part 3, Treatment of Heretics
▼  September (2)
Who Wrote The Bible Part Three
Jewish Oral Tradition Part 2, Treatment of Women
▼  August (4)
Proof of God from Life; Genesis 2:7
Jewish Oral Tradition - Part 1 - Introduction
Human Sacrifice ? in the Bible Part 3
Who Wrote the Bible Part Two
▼  July (1)
Saul, The Witch, and the Ghost
▼  March (2)
Proof of God from the Gaps, Sherlock Holmes, and A...
Human Sacrifice in the Bible Part 2
▼  February (1)
Proof of God via Jewish Survival, Jewish Suffering...
▼  January (1)
Proof of God from Design Part 2 or Disproof of Ev...

▼  2015 (23)
▼  December (5)
Kuzari Part 11
Kuzari Argument Part 10
Proof of God from Miracles (Part 1) or Kuzari Argu...
Proof of God from Thermodynamics
Who Wrote the Bible Part One
▼  November (4)
Kuzari Argument Part 8
Kuzari Argument Part 7
Proof of God from Coincidences in the Bible and He...
Proof of God from Coincidences in Bible and Hebrew...
▼  October (1)
Proof of God from Mummy
▼  September (1)
Kuzari Argument Part 6
▼  August (2)
Kuzari Part 5
Proof of God from Free Will, Justice, Consciousnes...
▼  July (1)
Proof of God from Prayer- Miraculous Recoveries-Ra...
▼  June (1)
Proof of God From Morality Part Two
▼  May (1)
Proof of God from Hebrew
▼  March (1)
Proof of God from Purim Fest 1946 or Prophecy of N...
▼  February (1)
The Bible Serpent and Magic
▼  January (5)
Proof of God from Israel
Proof of God from Prophecy (Part 1)
Proof of God from Guarantees or Holy Sage Statemen...
Proof of God from Fine Tuning
Tree Animism in the Bible

▼  2014 (35)
▼  December (5)
Schroeder The Science of God Chapter Four
Schroeder The Science of God - Chapter 3 - section...
Schroeder The Science of God Chapter 3 - section ...
The Science of God - Schroeder Chapter 2
The Science of God - Schroeder Chapter 1
▼  November (5)
The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs - Fundamental...
Proof of God based on Claim of Prophecy of Nazis ...
Proof / Disproof of God based on Fallow Part One
Proof / Disproof of God based on Fallow Part Two
Proof / Disproof of God based on Fallow Part Three...
▼  August (1)
Proof of God from Gaza Rockets
▼  July (2)
Kuzari Argument Part 4
Origins of some Torah/Bible laws and the Jewish Ch...
▼  June (3)
Explanations of Pagan Customs in Judaism with some...
Kuzari Part 3
Kalam Cosmological Proof of God - Premises and Con...
▼  May (2)
Proof of God from Morality Part One
Proof of God from Secrets in Holy Texts
▼  April (1)
Some Reasons to Reject Orthodox Judaism
▼  March (5)
Explanations of Pagan Customs in Judaism with some...
Explanations of Pagan Customs in Judaism with some...
Circumcision and Maimonides
Explanations of Pagan Customs in Judaism with some...
'Statute Forever' in the Bible
▼  February (5)
'Cut Off" in the Bible
The Bible, The Priests, The Female and the Disable...
Kalam Cosmological proof of God repudiated by Theo...
The Bible, the Brother, and the Widow
The Bible, The Husband, and The Virgin
▼  January (6)
Kuzari argument part 2
Suspected Adultery and the Bible Remedy
The Dangers of Circumcision as found in the Talmud...
Human Sacrifice in the Bible
Proof of God from Kosher Animals Part 2
Proof of God from Kosher Animals Part One

▼  2013 (23)
▼  December (5)
The Science of God - Schroeder Part 5
The Science of God Schroeder Part 4
The Science of God - Schroeder Part 3
The Science of God Schroeder - Part 2
The Science of God - Schroeder 1997 Part 1
▼  November (1)
Passover Origins; & short note on Human Sacrifice
▼  October (2)
Yom Kippur Origins
The Torah Scapegoat
▼  September (7)
Genesis and Evolution
Genesis and the Big Bang
Proof of God from Big Bang
Moshe became horny and suspicion of TMS
Proof of God from Circumcision
Proof of God from Gematria
Proof of God from Origin of Life
▼  August (5)
Proof of God through Design (Part One) ?
Sabbath, Day Seven and Moon Cults or Fertility Cul...
Proof of God via Jewish Survival, Jewish Suffering...
Circumcision by the Jews on the eighth day of life...
Bible Patriarch Ages
▼  July (3)
Kuzari Principle or Argument Part I

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